Silent-Bob Pro is a small recording tool that will allow you to produce high-quality uncompressed recordings of any sound coming through your computer’s soundcard. This means that you can connect any audio equipment to your PC and save the incoming audio signal as a WAV file easily using this tool’s tiny and simple interface.
Though packed up with useful settings and configuration controls, Silent-Bob Pro’s front-end could not be simpler. Its small user interface comes with barely the buttons required to start and stop the recording process plus a window with some visual information about the recording itself – i.e., the recording time and a VU meter to show the intensity of the input signal. The various settings dialogs available are only made visible if you click on the “Options” button. Here you can configure the way and the location where your WAV files will be stored, the quality of the WAV audio files themselves, the Automatic Gain Control, the channel mix, the size of the buffer, etc.
Should I have to pick one and one only, this would be the “File Split” feature – you can make Silent-Bob Pro to cut your audio files automatically whenever it finds a silent spot. You can configure very easily the minimum duration and the “percentage of silence” required to consider it as such. (This feature will come in very handy when digitizing your vinyl albums.)
Finally, it is worth mentioning that Silent-Bob Pro will integrate seamlessly with your Winamp player. Thus, you can set the program to enqueue the resulting WAV files in your player automatically.